About Page

About Me

I am a programmer and technical artist with an insatiable fascination of cell-shaded art-styles. Over the years, I have developed a large number of game prototypes in many different engines and languages, experimenting with 2D graphics & learning the fundamentals of 3D rendering.

If you have any questions or business inquires, please to email me at unruly@8bitram.dev or come stop by to see what I am currently doing on Twitch.


A pass-time I really enjoy is drawing, both in traditional and digital mediums. The pencil sketches above were freehand studies of other art-pieces I really liked.

I am also an avid achievement hunter. I have a rather large catalogue of achievements on my Xbox & Steam profiles, including the rarest Overwatch achievement Window of Opportunity (Unlocked by just 0.3% of steam users!).

Last Modified on 06/13/24